
Contact the Editor

Dr. Ed Conley
Editor, LHS website and Facebook page

Ed was born and raised in Litherland, lived on Hatton Hill Road, Brunel Drive, and Field Lane before embarking on a 30+ year career in science. He worked in cancer research at ICRF London and later specialised in pathology at Leicester University Medical School. He has made original contributions in several key research papers and has written three textbooks on ion channel electrophysiology. As a principal scientist in Industry he invented a drug discovery system that reduced the need for animal testing. He has held three Chief Scientific Officer roles and currently teaches on an MSc for senior NHS professionals in University of Wales. Since returning to Litherland in 2016, he has actively supported the Litherland History Society, creating and editing this website and Facebook page aiming to preserve the town’s history for future generations. Once retired (soon) he looks forward to pursuing his passions for filmmaking, local history, and inventing.

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